During the development of a project, designers will inevitably create animated effects to enhance the user experience. If the current effect does not require interaction and is only for display, we can use GIF or APNG to achieve the effect. but if the current animation requires other interactions in addition to presentation, or even a component requires animation effects, it would be unreasonable to use a picture format. So I wrote an extremely simple css animation library rc-css-animate . Here we directly use animate.css as the dependent library for css animation. Animate.css not only provides many interactive animation style classes, but also provides animation running speed, latency, and the number of repetitions and other style classes. as you can see, the default animate.css build animation needs to carry the prefix "animate__". <h1 class="animate__animated animate__bounce">An animated element</h1> of course, the library encapsulates css animation and still supports other animation libraries as well as their own handwritten css animation, but this library is not recommended if developers need to control all kinds of complex animation. use can be used in the following ways: import React, { useRef } from "react"; import ReactCssAnimate from "rc-css-animate"; // introduce animate.css as an animation dependency import "animate.css"; function App() { const animateRef = useRef(null); return ( <div className="App"> <ReactCssAnimate // Define the components that currently display the animation // Use by default div tag="div" // Of the current component className className="" // Of the current component style style={{}} // Of the current component ref ref={animateRef} // Animation prefix clsPrefix="animate__" // Of the current animation className animateCls="animated…

May 6, 2023 0comments 1431hotness 0likes Aaron Read all

recently I saw some useful React tool libraries, summed up and shared them with you to avoid duplicating wheels. I hope it will be helpful to you ~ I. basic 1. React Infinite Scroller React Infinite Scroller is used to load content indefinitely in a React project. npm address: www.npmjs.com/package/rea... 2. react-dnd React DnD is a set of React high-level components created by React and Dan Abramov, the core author of Redux, that can help build complex drag-and-drop interfaces while keeping components separate. It is mainly used for drag and drop of components. npm address: www.npmjs.com/package/rea... 3. react-beautiful-dnd react-beautiful-dnd is a beautiful and easy-to-use React list drag-and-drop library. ​ npm address: www.npmjs.com/package/rea... 4. react-icons using react-icons, you can easily include popular icons in React projects. ​ npm address: www.npmjs.com/package/rea... 5. react-share react-share is a React social media sharing button and sharing library. ​ npm address: www.npmjs.com/package/rea... 6. create-react-app Create React App is a command line interface tool that allows you to quickly create and run React applications without any configuration. ​ npm address: www.npmjs.com/package/cre... 7. react-intl React Intl provides a React component and Mixin for internationalizing React Web applications. It provides a description of formatted date, number, and string messages. ​ npm address: www.npmjs.com/package/rea... 8. react-router react-router is a routing solution routing solution for React.js. It can easily synchronize your app and URL while providing first-class support for nesting, transformation, and server rendering. ​ npm address: www.npmjs.com/package/rea... 9. React Virtualized react-virtualized is a responsive component that renders large list and table data efficiently and can be used to solve long…

May 4, 2023 0comments 1550hotness 0likes Aaron Read all