Today, I will introduce several React hooks , which are not commonly used, but are very useful. useSyncExternalStore listen for external data changes external data sources need to provide a subscription function, and this function needs to return the method of unsubscribing import React from 'react'; import { store } from './store.js' export const App () { const data = useSyncExternalStore(store.subscribe, store.getData) return <> <button onClick={store.add}>add+</button> {data} </> } // store.js let conut = 0; let listeners = []; export const store = { add () { count ++; }, subscribe(listener) { listeners = [...listeners, listener]; return () => { listeners = listeners.filter(l => l !== listener); }; }, geetDate () { return count; } } useId generate globally unique ID, give up Math.random () bar import { useId } from 'react'; function App() { const uuid = useId(); return ( <>{uuid}</> ); } useLayoutEffect trigger before layout update import { useState, useRef, useLayoutEffect } from 'react'; function Tooltip() { const ref = useRef(null); const [tooltipHeight, setTooltipHeight] = useState(0); useLayoutEffect(() => { const { height } = ref.current.getBoundingClientRect(); setTooltipHeight(height); }, []); return <></> } useDeferredValue UI defer updates without handwritten anti-shake function import SearchResults from './SearchResults.js'; export default function App() { const [query, setQuery] = useState(''); const deferredQuery = useDeferredValue(query); return ( <> <label> Search albums: <input value={query} onChange={e => setQuery(} /> </label> <Suspense fallback={<h2>Loading...</h2>}> <SearchResults query={deferredQuery} /> </Suspense> </> ); } useReducer customize a lightweight redux const initialState = {count: 0}; function reducer(state, action) { switch (action.type) { case 'increment': return {count: state.count + 1}; case 'decrement': return {count:…

June 16, 2023 0comments 1632hotness 0likes Aaron Read all

We know that useMemo and useCallback are mainly used to cache intermediate states and reduce meaningless render to improve performance. But recently I have found that I have been misunderstanding their use! misunderstanding of useMemo Please take a look at the following code. Even with useMemo , the second subcomponent is re-rendered without the change of isZero ! import { useCallback, useMemo, useState } from "react"; const Child = ({ value, onClick }) => { return ( <div style={{ height: 100, background: `#${(~~(Math.random() * (1 << 24))).toString(16)}` }} > my value is {value.toString()} </div> ); }; export default function App() { const [count, setCount] = useState(0); const isZero = useMemo(() => !!(count % 3), [count]); const onClick = useCallback(() => setCount(count + 1), [count]); return ( <div className="App"> <button onClick={onClick}>click me</button> <Child value={count} /> <Child value={isZero} /> </div> ); } 💡 related reading in fact, the reason has also been mentioned in previous articles: React every time the state of a component changes, it starts from the current component until all leaf node components are re-rendered. The article also mentions the solution to this problem: the subcomponent is wrapped with the memo function, and the component can render as expected. however, at this point we remove useMemo , and the subcomponents are still rendered as expected. memo is similar to useMemo , which is based on a shallow comparison of and is only valid for non-reference types. so in the above example, it makes no sense to use useMemo . misunderstanding of useCallback however, in the above example, the…

June 6, 2023 0comments 1269hotness 0likes Aaron Read all

Preface friends who know or know Vue all know that in Vue , we can achieve bidirectional data binding of controlled components through v-model , while in React , we need to achieve bidirectional data binding through value and onChange . A single can also be accepted, such as multiple. look at an example. const [nickName, setNickName] = useState('') const [age, setAge] = useState(null) const handleNickNameChange = useCallback((value) => { setNickName(value) }, []) const handleAgeChange = useCallback((value) => { setAge(value) }, []) return ( <> <Input value={nickName} onChange={handleNickNameChange} /> <Input value={age} onChange={handleAgeChange} /> </> ) according to the conclusion above, if there are multiple controlled components in a component, many will be written as above. Can we encapsulate that we only need to declare variables instead of set methods? The answer is OK, you can see below. Tips:input is an uncontrolled component when the value of type is file, because the value is readable when type is file. description what I use here is React + ts . If you use js , you need to delete the type declaration after the variable. withModel the method component I encapsulated here is withModel , which you can name after yourself. //withModel.tsx import React, { forwardRef, useMemo, useCallback, useEffect } from 'react' // two-way binding tool method const withModel = (Component: any) => forwardRef((props, outerRef) => { const p = { models: [], name: '', value: '', onChange: (event: any) => {}, ...props, } const { models = [], name, value, onChange, ...other } = p; const [modelValue, setModelValue] = useMemo(() =>…

May 17, 2023 0comments 1362hotness 0likes Aaron Read all

let's start with some nonsense I remember this hooks very well, because at that time, during an interview, I was asked to implement this custom hooks by hand, , so it was prepared for the first hooks in this series. to see the effect when our component becomes complex, do you want to know what caused the component to render, or what the value change is, this hooks will solve your problem. here comes the hooks source code type IProps = Record<string, unknown>; / * * * what caused the page render to customize hooks * *@paramName of the componentName observation component *@paramData that props needs to observe (data such as current component state or incoming props that may cause rerender) , / const useWhyDidYouUpdate = (componentName: any, props: any) => { // create a ref object let oldPropsRef = useRef<IProps>({}); useEffect(() => { if (oldPropsRef.current) { // iterate through all the key of the old and new props let keys = Object.keys({ ...oldPropsRef.current, ...props }); // change the information object let changeMessageObj: IProps = {}; keys.forEach((key) => { // compare whether the new and old props are changed, changed and recorded to changeMessageObj if (![key], props[key])) { changeMessageObj[key] = { from: oldPropsRef?.current[key], to: props[key], }; } }); // whether there is change information, existence and printing if (Object.keys(changeMessageObj).length) { console.log(componentName, changeMessageObj); } // Update ref oldPropsRef.current = props; } }); }; demo complete source code import React, { useState, useRef, useEffect } from 'react'; import { Button, Statistic } from 'antd'; type IProps = Record<string, unknown>; / * *…

May 8, 2023 0comments 1363hotness 0likes Aaron Read all

Hello, everyone. I'm Carson. The code volume of React can be said to be quite large. Is there a function in such a large library that is not mentioned in the document but actually exists ? the answer is yes. this article will introduce you to hidden egg features that are not mentioned in three documents. ref cleanup in the current React , Ref has two data structures: <T>(instance: T) => void {current: T} for most requirements, we will use the second data structure. It is also the data structure returned by useRef and createRef . the first data structure is mainly used for DOM monitoring. For example, in the following example, the size of div is reflected in the height state: function MeasureExample() { const [height, setHeight] = useState(0); const measuredRef = useCallback(node => { if (node !== null) { setHeight(node.getBoundingClientRect().height); } }, []); return ( <div ref={measuredRef}>Hello Kasong</div> ); } but in the above example, the size change of DOM cannot be reflected in real time to the height state. To reflect real-time changes, you need to use native API that monitors DOM , such as ResizeObserver , monitor DOM size change IntersectionObserver , monitor DOM visual area changes MutationObserver , monitor DOM tree changes these API are usually event-driven, which involves unbinding events when monitoring is not needed. since event binding occurs in the ref callback, naturally, unbinding events should also occur in the ref callback. For example, modify the above example with ResizeObserver : function MeasureExample() { const [entry, setEntry] = useState(); const measuredRef = useCallback((node)…

May 5, 2023 0comments 1345hotness 0likes Aaron Read all