Today we are going to learn the common design pattern of JavaScript-- the strategy pattern definition defines a series of algorithms, encapsulating them individually, and making them interchangeable. extract and encapsulate seemingly unrelated code to make it easier to understand and expand. Let's understand it through an example: Application scenario there are different strategies to accomplish several things. For example, performance calculation, form validation rules calculate the year-end bonus after performance appraisal. S performance is four months' salary, A performance is three months' salary, B performance is two months' salary before use define a function to calculate bonus calculateBonus . The input parameters of the function are performance level and monthly salary function calculateBonus(level, salary) { switch (level) { case "s": { return salary * 4; } case "a": { return salary * 3; } case "b": { return salary * 2; } default: { return 0; } } }; calculate bonus calculateBonus('s', 10000); // 40000 calculateBonus('a', 5000); // 15000 if we want to modify the performance rules, we need to change the logic in the calculateBonus function, which violates the open and closed principle, so we can consider using the policy mode at this time. improve decouple all the logic function getS(salary){ return salary * 4 } function getA(salary){ return salary * 3 } function getB(salary){ return salary * 2 } function calculateBonus(level, salary) { switch (level) { case "s": { return getS(salary); } case "a": { return getA(salary); } case "b": { return getB(salary);; } default: { return 0; } } }; this is still a lot of…

June 13, 2023 0comments 1210hotness 0likes Aaron Read all

in the daily development of the team, people write components of different quality and styles, and there are many ways of naming them. For example, some use tags as component names, but I won't say who they are. Components cannot be extended or difficult to maintain because of many requirements. It is quite difficult to reuse the functions of many business components. so in today's article we'll talk about how to set up an elegant React component in terms of component design patterns. basic principles of component design when designing a high-quality component or a set of high-quality components, we should first follow the following principles, including the following aspects. single responsibility the principle of single responsibility is to make a module focus on a Phoenix girl, that is, to minimize the responsibility of a module. If a module has too many functions, it should be divided into multiple modules, which is more conducive to the maintenance of the code. A single component is easier to maintain and test, but don't abuse it, split components if necessary, minimize granularity at one extreme, and may result in a large number of modules, and module discretization can make the project difficult to manage. demarcate boundaries how to split components, if the two components are too closely related to logically clearly define their respective responsibilities, then the two components should not be split. Otherwise, if their respective responsibilities are not clear and the boundaries are not distinct, the problem of logical confusion will arise. Then the most important thing to split the components…

May 8, 2023 0comments 1270hotness 0likes Aaron Read all