React realizes bi-directional binding of controlled components based on hooks

May 17, 2023 1362hotness 0likes 0comments


friends who know or know Vue all know that in Vue , we can achieve bidirectional data binding of controlled components through v-model , while in React , we need to achieve bidirectional data binding through value and onChange . A single can also be accepted, such as multiple.

look at an example.

	const [nickName, setNickName] = useState('')
  	const [age, setAge] = useState(null)
  	const handleNickNameChange = useCallback((value) => {
	}, [])
	const handleAgeChange = useCallback((value) => {
	}, [])
  return (
      <Input value={nickName} onChange={handleNickNameChange} />
      <Input value={age} onChange={handleAgeChange} />

according to the conclusion above, if there are multiple controlled components in a component, many will be written as above. Can we encapsulate that we only need to declare variables instead of set methods? The answer is OK, you can see below.

Tips:input is an uncontrolled component when the value of type is file, because the value is readable when type is file.


what I use here is React + ts . If you use js , you need to delete the type declaration after the variable.


the method component I encapsulated here is withModel , which you can name after yourself.


import React, { forwardRef, useMemo, useCallback, useEffect } from 'react'

// two-way binding tool method

const withModel = (Component: any) => forwardRef((props, outerRef) => {

    const p =  {
      models: [],
      name: '',
      value: '',
      onChange: (event: any) => {},
    const { models = [], name, value, onChange, ...other } = p;

    const [modelValue, setModelValue] = useMemo(() => models, [models])
    const handleChange = useCallback((event: any) => {
          if (setModelValue) {
              const setValue = setModelValue as Function;
          if(typeof onChange === 'function') onChange(event)
    }, [onChange])

  return (
      value={modelValue !== undefined ? modelValue : value}

export default withModel



import React, { forwardRef } from "react";

import withModel from '../utils/withModel'

type inputProps = React.DetailedHTMLProps<

const Component = forwardRef<HTMLInputElement, inputProps>((props, outerRef) => {

    const p = {...props};
    let { type } = props;
    if(!type) type = 'text';
    let element = <input ref={outerRef} {...props} />

    return (
            {!['checkbox', 'file', 'radio'].includes(type) && element}

Component.displayName = 'Input'

export default withModel(Component );

pages use

// Page usage

import React, { useState } from "react";
import Input from "./Input"

export default () => {

    const data = useState("I am the input.")

    return (
            <Input models={data} placeholder="Please enter content" />
            {/*  */}
            <p>{`I am the input: ${data [0]} `}</p>


principle: use forwardRef to pass the ref reference of the current controlled component, and modify it through the withModel component method.

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Hello, my name is Aaron and I am a freelance front-end developer
